Page 16 - focusUnimore_settembre2024
P. 16

Al via il progetto europeo CITIES per contrastare le


                  European CITIES project to combat discrimination kicks off

                  Unimore is taking part in the European project CITIES - Initiative Towards Inclusive and Equitable Societies,
                  submitted to the European Commission under the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values) programme.
                  The project, aimed at preventing and combating discrimination through intersectional strategies, involves
                  five Italian cities and numerous international partners and aims to promote the training of approximately 485
                  civil servants and the development of tools for monitoring and analysing anti-discrimination policies, provid-
                  ing the necessary tools to recognise, address and prevent acts of discrimination. Thanks to the networks in
                  which it is embedded, the project has added value with respect to its national impact and benefits from its
                  relationship with many international realities. For Unimore it is also an opportunity to work alongside local
                  authorities to build new awareness and new strategies to combat discrimination together. Particularly rel-
                  evant is the joint work with the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and the Municipality of Modena, which together
                  are two of the crucial subjects of the Cities project.

                              ’Università di Modena e Reg-     contrasto delle discriminazioni attraverso
                              gio Emilia partecipa al progetto   strategie intersezionali, coinvolge cinque città
                              europeo  CITIES - Initiative     italiane e numerosi partner internazionali e mira a
                              Towards Inclusive and Equi-      promuovere la formazione di dipendenti pubblici e
                  Ltable Societies, presentato alla            lo sviluppo di strumenti per il monitoraggio e l’a-
                Commissione Europea nell’ambito del program-   nalisi delle politiche anti-discriminazione.

                ma CERV (Cittadini, uguaglianza, diritti e valori).   Per l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia par-
                  Il progetto, finalizzato alla  prevenzione e al   tecipano la Prof.ssa Rita Bertozzi (in qualità di

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