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ECODIGITAL: l’UE finanzia un nuovo modulo Jean
Monnet in Unimore
ECODIGITAL: EU funds a new Jean Monnet module in Unimore
The Digital Economy Law module of the Department of Economics ‘Marco Biagi’, active in the Master’s degree
programme in Data Analysis for Economics and Mangement, has been funded by the European Commission
as a Jean Monnet Module for the period 2024-2027. This grant is awarded for university programmes in the
context of European Union studies with a minimum duration of 40 teaching hours and a duration of three
years. Modules may focus on a specific discipline of European studies or have a multidisciplinary approach.
The module “ECODIGITAL project - Analysing the EU legal framework of Digital Economy and unfolding its po-
tential’ covers topics such as the 2016 General Data Protection Regulation (known as GDPR), the 2020 Euro-
pean Data Strategy and related regulatory acts (Data Governance Act, Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act,
Data Act) and the very recent European Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AI Act). The project also envisages
the creation of a ‘knowledge hub’, with the aim of establishing synergies with other non-legal departments, of
Unimore and other universities, in which studies involving the aforementioned topics are developed, in order
to investigate, with a multidisciplinary approach, the various profiles of the digital economy. ECODIGITAL also
provides for the dissemination of knowledge of the European regulatory framework among citizens, busi-
nesses and political bodies.
l corso di Diritto dell’economia di- ri nel contesto degli studi sull’Unione europea che
gitale del Dipartimento di Economia abbiano una durata minima di 40 ore di insegna-
“Marco Biagi”, attivo dall’anno acca- mento e una durata di tre anni.
demico 2023/2024 nel corso di laurea I moduli possono essere incentrati su una di-
Imagistrale in Analisi dei dati per l’eco- sciplina specifica degli studi europei o avere un
nomia e il mangement, è stato finanziato dalla approccio multidisciplinare e di conseguenza pre-
Commissione Europea come Modulo Jean vedere il contributo accademico di numerosi pro-
Monnet per il periodo 2024-2027.
fessori ed esperti.
Questa sovvenzione, che rientra nel quadro Era- Nello specifico, «il progetto ECODIGITAL –
smus +, è attribuita a beneficio di corsi universita-
Analysing the EU legal framework of Digital Eco-