Page 14 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 14

Slow tourism, conoscenza storica e digital

        humanities, nuove tecnologie e studi politolinguistici
        al centro dei tre progetti finanziati nel macrosettore

        scienze sociali e umanistiche

                  Slow tourism, historical knowledge and digital humanities, new technologies and poly-linguistic
                  studies are at the centre of the three projects funded in the social sciences and humanities macro-
                  he text describes three research projects funded by Unimore through the FAR call, focusing on interdisciplin-
                  ary fields of social and human sciences. The first project, coordinated by Prof. Silvia Cavalieri, focuses on
                  inclusive slow tourism, exploring the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in sustainable tourism.
                  It uses digital media and artificial intelligence (AI) to improve accessibility to historical and natural itinerar-
                  ies for people with various needs. The second project, coordinated by Prof. Matteo Al Kalak, investigates
                  the history of the Roman Inquisition through a digital library that collects documents from the Archive of
                  the Holy Office and local archives, offering new perspectives on the inquisitorial actions in peripheral areas.
                  The third project, led by Prof. Vincenzo Gannuscio, aims to create a multilingual corpus of non-institutional
                  political speeches in four languages (German, French, Spanish, and Italian), using advanced AI technolo-
                  gies to analyse political persuasion strategies in non-parliamentary contexts. These projects aim to enhance
                  understanding and access to digital resources, using new methodologies to promote history, politics, and
                  tourism in a more inclusive and innovative way.

                  I                                            Culturali di Unimore: il progetto “Inclusive Slow

                        progetti di ricerca finanziati da

                        Unimore attraverso il bando FAR -
                                                               Tourism: route tourism between digital media and
                        Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2024
                                                               AI (SlowIT)” (Turismo  Slow inclusivo: turismo di
                        - Linea Unimore per il Macrosettore
                                                               rotta tra media digitali e AI), coordinato dalla Prof.
                        ERC Scienze sociali e umanistiche
                                                               The archives of the Holy Office between Roman
                – SH sono tre, ognuno dei quali ha ricevuto un   ssa Silvia Cavalieri, il progetto “Multi-Inquisition.
                finanziamento di 60mila euro.                  center and outlying areas” (Multi-Inquisizione. Gli

                  Sono  tre progetti tutti coordinati da do-   archivi del Sant’Uffizio tra centro romano e aree
                centi del Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e   periferiche), coordinato dal Prof. Matteo Al Ka-

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