Page 34 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 34
Monitoraggio satellitare delle strade, robot per
l’assistenza sanitaria, immagini mediche con l’IA e
algoritmi per garantire l’autenticità degli alimenti:
i 4 progetti del Macrosettore di Scienze fisiche,
chimiche e ingegneristiche (Linea FOMO)
Satellite monitoring of roads, robots for healthcare, medical imaging with AI and algorithms to guar-
antee the authenticity of food: the 4 projects of the Physical, Chemical and Engineering Sciences
Macrosector (FOMO Line)
Unimore’s FAR 2024 call for proposals has funded four projects in the ERC Macrosector of Physical, Chemi-
cal and Engineering Sciences, with a contribution of around €70,000 each. Three projects are coordinated
by the ‘Enzo Ferrari’ Department of Engineering: SAT-SAFE: Develops satellite monitoring and BIM methods
for the safety assessment of road infrastructure, with a focus on predictive bridge maintenance. ROBIN3:
Introduces the NAO robot into clinical practice for the treatment of patients with autism spectrum disorders,
facilitating diagnosis and treatment through improved interactions. Synthetic Data: Uses synthetic data to
overcome the limitations of medical imaging, creating artificial images to train artificial intelligence models.
The fourth project, GreenTrace, co-ordinated by Prof. Caterina Durante of the Department of Chemical and
Geological Sciences, integrates eco-sustainable analytical methods, machine learning and data manage-
ment to guarantee the authenticity and quality of agri-food products, such as Balsamic Vinegar of Modena
and honey, developing a system of traceability and authenticity for the consumer. The projects aim at
innovation, improved safety, health care and food transparency, with concrete applications in society and
I bling SATellite monitoring and BIM methods in
progetti di ricerca finanziati da
the SAFety assEssment of road infrastructure -
Unimore attraverso il bando FAR
- Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca
SAT-SAFE” (L’integrazione di metodi di monitorag-
2024 - Linea FOMO (Fondazione di
gio satellitare e BIM per la valutazione della sicu-
Modena) per il Macrosettore ERC di
Scienze fisiche, chimiche e ingegneristiche rezza delle infrastrutture stradali) guidato dal Prof.
Fancesco Mancini, il progetto “ROBIN3: a RO-
– PE sono quattro, ognuno dei quali ha ricevuto Botic INTelligent INTuitive and INTeractive platform
un finanziamento di circa 70mila euro. for NAO-Mediated Autistic Healthcare” (ROBIN3:
una piattaforma ROBotica INTelligente INTuitiva e
Tre progetti sono coordinati da docenti del Di-
partimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”: “Ensem- INTerattiva per l’assistenza sanitaria agli autistici