Page 42 - focusUnimore_giugno2021
P. 42
Unimore, Ateneo internazionale ed
Unimore, an international and inclusive university
The Academic Senate of Unimore unanimously approved an important Agreement between Universities of
Emilia Romagna and ER.GO, to experiment a hospitality and support model for students under internatio-
nal and complementary protection. This is part of Unimore approach aimed at implementing the principles
of the Constitution and the international Bodies on Asylum, and adopting the indications of the European
Commission regarding the creation of new routes of entry and protection for refugees with study and work
programmes). The limited but significant number of students at universities of Emilia Romagna who are un-
der international and complementary protection (8 at present) is increasing, and this has led to address the
needs of these students by drafting an Agreement Protocol intended to experiment an integrated system of
interventions related to hospitality, guidance, tutoring, housing services. The qualifying points of the protocol
offer support for example in the recognition of titles and qualifications, application for study grants, creation of
associations or involvement of existing associations on themes related to international protection, as well as in
the realisation of humanitarian corridors for professors, refugee students and researchers. Following existing
individual agreements between the universities and ER.GO, as well as the establishment of UNI-CO-RE (Uni-
versity Corridors for Refugees), the project is now partnered by 24 universities and has given to 40 refugees
the opportunity to continue their university programme in Italy. With this agreement, Unimore confirms its
focus on all those actions of inclusion and valorisation of differences inspired by the Manifesto for inclusive
University. For information on the Agreement between Universities and ER.GO
l Senato Accademico di Unimore ha della Commissione Europea, contenute nel nuovo
approvato all’unanimità un importante Patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo, in cui si invitano
Accordo tra Atenei dell’Emilia Ro- gli Stati membri a creare nuovi percorsi di ingres-
magna e ER.GO, l’Azienda Regionale so e di protezione per i rifugiati con programmi di
Iper il Diritto agli Studi Superiori, per studio e lavoro.
sperimentare un modello di accoglienza e accom- Nella regione Emilia Romagna, negli ultimi
pagnamento rivolto a studenti e studentesse in anni, si registrano numeri contenuti eppure si-
protezione internazionale e complementare. gnificativi, di studenti/studentesse universitari/e
Con questa, e altre numerose iniziative, Unimo- in protezione internazionale e complementare. Ad
re sceglie di dare concreta attuazione ai principi oggi, in Unimore, risultano iscritti 8 studenti, di cui
della Costituzione e degli Organismi internazionali 6 con un permesso di asilo, 1 con permesso di
in materia di Asilo e di dar seguito alle indicazioni protezione internazionale e 1 in protezione sus-