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MAteriali VERdi Intelligenti dalla Chimica per

         la Sostenibilità: il progetto MAVERICS

                  The MAVERICS project

                  The strategic research project called “MAteriali VERdi Intelligenti dalla Chimica per la Sostenibilità” (MAVER-
                  ICS) (intelligent green materials from chemistry for sustainability), developed by the University of Modena
                  and Reggio Emilia (Unimore) focuses on current challenges related to environmental conservation, such as
                  global warming, decarbonisation of production processes and clean energy production. The main objective
                  of the project is to replace traditional plastics with materials that have no negative impact on the environ-
                  ment and the health of living systems and ecosystems. This requires a paradigm shift involving the use of
                  room-temperature processes and raw materials from renewable sources, the use of environmentally friendly
                  catalysts, the use of bio-based precursors and the use of enzymes, bacteria and other microorganisms for
                  the synthesis of materials. The project also includes the design of devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) with
                  carbon-neutral materials. Furthermore, the importance of assessing the impact of materials on the environ-
                  ment and adopting ethical and environmentally friendly criteria in the design of materials and products is
                  considered. The MAVERICS project aims to create a research, training and education ecosystem integrating
                  chemical, biological and digital technologies to design and manufacture polymeric materials in response to
                  environmental challenges. The proposal is a collaboration between three departments of the university and
                  has the potential to involve other research areas related to the environment, the circular economy, materi-
                  als engineering and ecology. The ultimate goal of the project is to transform materials from simple passive
                  “products” into active “tools” that communicate, learn and remain useful throughout their life cycle, thus
                  becoming an integral part of our ecosystem.

                              a Chimica è centrale per la so-  di vita e può contribuire fattivamente a formare
                              stenibilità, la transizione energe-  l’etica del cittadino, della società e della politica.

                              tica, l’economia circolare, per le   Il  problema dell’inquinamento da micro-
                              tecnologie per la tutela e il risa-  plastiche, assieme alla persistenza nell’ambiente
                  Lnamento dell’ambiente. Il cam-              e all’accumulo nell’ecosistema, rende cogente il
                bio di paradigma dalla chimica tradizionale,   problema di sostituire le plastiche con ma-
                orientata al prodotto, alla Chimica Verde e    teriali altrettanto performanti ed economici,
                Sostenibile, che guarda all’intero ciclo di vita   ma senza impatto negativo sull’ambiente.
                del prodotto, dalla natura e provenienza di risorse

                all’utilizzo dell’energia, è quantomai attuale.  La   Il progetto di ricerca strategica di Unimore “MA-
                Chimica ha inoltre un ruolo centrale nell’educa-  teriali VERdi Intelligenti dalla Chimica per la
                zione all’utilizzo corretto dei prodotti in tutto il ciclo   Sostenibilità” - MAVERICS nasce nel contesto

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