Page 44 - focusUnimore_giugno2024
P. 44
Il teatro come strumento di formazione: al DISMI un
corso di 30 ore per dottorande e dottorandi
Theatre as a training tool: a 30-hour course for PhD students at DISMI
The final recital of the Theatre Course for PhD students at DISMI took place recently: the initiative highlight-
ed the importance of theatrical techniques for academic communication. PhD students in Industrial Innova-
tion Engineering staged a homage to Achille Campanile. During the course, the students learnt techniques
of stage action, use of the voice and effective communication, all fundamental skills not only for the theatre,
but also for professional paths, particularly in the academic field. The idea of a theatre course for PhD stu-
dents in technical subjects such as mechanics, electronics and computer science might seem outlandish or
out of place. However, reality shows that skills such as stage presence, clarity of presentation and accuracy
are essential for those entering an academic career. Scientific studies support this connection between
theatre and teaching. The theatre workshop aimed to improve the students’ teaching and communication
skills by learning the techniques of the performing arts. Exercises in imitation, imagination and improvisation
helped the students to handle the communication challenges of their careers with greater confidence and
creativity. The success of the event highlighted how theatre training can enrich PhD students’ profile, mak-
ing them more effective and engaging communicators.
l Teatro Cavallerizza di Reggio corso, i dottorandi e le dottorande in Ingegneria
Emilia, si è svolto di recente dell’Innovazione Industriale hanno messo in
il saggio conclusivo del La- scena un omaggio a Achille Campanile.
boratorio di Teatro per dotto- Il saggio degli allievi e delle allieve del Labo-
Arandi del DISMI: l’iniziativa ha ratorio di Teatro per dottorandi, organizzato
messo in evidenza l’importanza delle tecniche dal Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell’In-
teatrali per la comunicazione accademica. gegneria, tenutosi presso il Teatro Cavallerizza
Diretti dal Gianni Parmiani, attore-guida del di Reggio Emilia, ha segnato la conclusione del