Page 10 - focusUnimore_marzo2024
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Nuovi standard di rendicontazione della sostenibilità
e relazione tra rischio climatico e investimenti: i PRIN
New sustainability reporting standards and the relationship between climate risk and investment:
The two PRIN 2022 projects with principal investigator from Unimore, financed within the context of the Na-
tional Plan for Recovery and Resilience, pertaining to the ‘Marco Biagi’ Department of Economics, deal with
‘green’ issues ranging from new sustainability reporting standards to the relationship between climate risk
and investments. The project ‘Sustainability Reporting and Sustainability Reporting: Standards, Connectivity
and Ratings in the Aftermath of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)’, coordinated
by Prof. Laura Girella, aims to investigate the implications for European non-financial companies of the
introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the European Sustainability Reporting
Standards (ESRS) in Europe. “Green” investments, one of the main challenges for the future sustainable
growth of EU countries, are addressed by the project coordinated by Prof. Silvia Muzzioli “Climate Risk and
Uncertainty: Environmental Sustainability and Asset Prices”. In this article, information on these two impor-
tant projects.
I e la sostenibilità della rendicontazione: standards,
due progetti PRIN 2022 con PI di Unimo-
connettività e rating all’indomani della Corporate
re, finanziati nell’ambito del Piano Na-
zionale di Ripresa e Resilienza, afferenti
Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) dell’UE”,
coordinato dalla Prof.ssa Laura Girella, si propo-
al Dipartimento di Economia “Mar-
co Biagi”, trattano tematiche “green”
che spaziano dai nuovi standard di rendicon- ne di indagare le implicazioni per le società non
finanziarie europee derivanti dall’introduzione in
tazione della sostenibilità alla relazione tra Europa della Corporate Sustainability Reporting
rischio climatico e investimenti. Directive e degli European Sustainability Repor-
ting Standards (ESRS). Tali innovazioni segnano
Il progetto “La rendicontazione della sostenibilità