Page 14 - focusUnimore_marzo2024
P. 14

Archivi audiovisivi, sistemi di previsione

        meteorologica, recupero di microplastiche: nuove
        sperimentazioni e nuovi strumenti

                  Audiovisual archives, weather forecasting systems, recovery of microplastics: new experiments
                  and new tools

                  Among the 15 PRIN 2022 with Principal Investigator from Unimore, funded within the framework of the
                  National Recovery and Resilience Plan, there are three belonging to the ‘Enzo Ferrari’ Department of Engi-
                  neering. The PRIN 2022 project PNRR MUCES (“a MUltimedia platform for Content Enrichment and Search
                  in audiovisual archives”), was set up to bring about a radical change in the field of audiovisual archives, by
                  designing and developing foundational models to make the audiovisual archives of Italy’s cultural heritage
                  searchable in natural language and in a customised way. The PRIN SEAPLANE project - SimulatIon and
                  modElling of interfAce fluxes in wind-wave flows for an imProved cLimAte scieNcE deals with weather
                  forecasting systems using innovative statistical tools and advanced modelling approaches, and explores the
                  interaction between wind and waves. The PRIN 2022 of the Department of Engineering ‘Enzo Ferrari’ funded
                  by the PNRR also includes the project ‘Sustainable CompositE materials for the construction iNdusTry’
                  (SCENT). The aim of the project is to produce innovative composite materials with a high content of second-
                  ary raw materials with a focus on post-consumer waste and microplastics. These major challenges also of-
                  fer enormous opportunities for development, for the redevelopment of an ageing building and infrastructure
                  heritage, from whose efficiency much of the added value flows, according to criteria of sustainability and
                  reuse that can no longer be postponed.

                               ra i 15 PRIN 2022 con PI di     sino ad arrivare alla produzione di materiali com-
                               Unimore, finanziati nell’ambito   positi dal recupero di rifiuti e microplastiche.
                               del Piano Nazionale di Ripre-     Il  progetto PRIN 2022 PNRR MUCES (“a
                               sa e Resilienza, sono tre quelli   MUltimedia platform for Content Enrichment and
                  Tafferenti al  Dipartimento di               Search in audiovisual archives”), coordinato dal
                Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”, con tematiche che   Prof. Lorenzo Baraldi, nasce per apportare un
                spaziano dalle modalità innovative per la ricerca   cambiamento radicale nel campo degli archivi au-

                negli archivi audiovisivi, agli strumenti statistici in-  diovisivi, ideando e sviluppando modelli fondazio-
                novativi per studiare l’interazione tra vento e onde
                                                               nali per rendere ricercabili in linguaggio naturale

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