Page 30 - focusUnimore_ottobre2021
P. 30

“Riscrivere il teatro” alla luce delle

          nuove possibilità di comunicazione:

          il lavoro del Gruppo di ricerca

          “Riscritture, traduzioni, riletture”

          attivo presso il Dipartimento di Studi
          Linguistici e Culturali

                   “Rewriting theatre” in the light of the new communication opportunities: the work of
                   the research Group “Rewriting, translation, proofreading” active at the Department of
                   Linguistic and Cultural Studies

                    On 27 September, the European Day of Languages, promoted by the Department of Linguistic and
                   Cultural Studies, was dedicated to the theme of theatre as the centre of cultural debate, as a time
                   of listening and relations. The Scientific Committee was composed of Angela Albanese, Benedetta
                   Bronzini, Giulia De Florio, Adriana Orlandi, and hosted the best known living translator of Russian
                   literature (and not only that), André Markowicz, who has been working for years in the field of thea-
                   trical translation in French. The meetings ranged from classical theatre (Sotera Fornero) to post-dra-
                   maturgy (Benedetta Bronzini), passing through Shakespeare (Teodoro Bonci del Bene), Lewis Carroll

                   (Chiara Lagani) and other great playwrights. During the speeches, the focus was on the theoretical
                   reflection and practical application of theatre making, thanks to the presence of actors and actres-
                   ses, directors and dramatists, and who shared their experience on stage. Great attention was also
                   paid to the role of translator and publishing.
                   The Day also focused on an author essential for the world drama: Anton Pavlovič čechov. His work
                   was discussed from the perspective of translation (Monica Santoro), staging (Alessandro Serra)
                   and translation for acting (André Markowicz), highlighting the intrinsic strength of his texts and the
                   need to bring it out and share it with the public. The reflections around Chekhov continued in the
                   masterclass of André Markowicz at the School of Theatre “Iolanda Gazzerro” in Modena, where the

                   students met actors and playwrights with the Franco-Russian host to read and comment together
                   on the opening words of The Three Sisters.

                                 oter rimettere il  teatro al   po dell’ascolto e delle relazioni, dopo quasi
                                 centro del discorso cultu-    due anni di isolamento causato dall’emergenza
                                 rale come luogo per iniziare   pandemica: è stato, questo, il tema al centro della
                                 di nuovo, seppure faticosa-   Giornata Europea delle Lingue promossa dal
                   Pmente, a recuperare il tem-                Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali

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