Page 8 - focusUnimore_ottobre2021
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BORGES - Biorilevamento con
l’elettronica organica:
il Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita di
Unimore coordina una rete europea di
formazione Marie Curie Skłodowska
BORGES - Biosensing with organic electronics
A Marie Curie Skłodowska European training network
The Marie Curie Sklodowska “BORGES“ project (Biosensing with organic electronics) involves 12
European partners coordinated by Unimore, in particular by Professor Carlo Augusto Bortolotti of the
Department of Life Sciences, and puts together expertise of the academic world, of research entities
and companies linked to organic bioelectronics. The project has been funded by the EU with nearly 4
million Euros (522,000 to Unimore) and despite the considerable difficulties caused by the pandemic,
BORGES is successfully proceeding towards the conclusion of the 3rd of the 4 year on schedule. In
addition to Professor Bortolotti, Professor Fabio Biscarini and Professor Marcello Pinti of the Depart-
ment of Life Sciences are also involved in the project.
In particular, BORGES works on the development of biosensors based on organic transistors. One
of the main research activity areas of BORGES members is the use of this technology to develop
biosensors to measure biomarkers related to inflammation and the emergence and development of
autoimmune diseases. Pamela Manco and Kateryna Solodka, Phd students at the Department of Life
Sciences, have developed biosensors based on the EGOFET technology - whose use Professor Bisca-
rini was a pioneer - to measure soluble proinflammatory molecules and a neuronal protein released
by cells of the central nervous system in some autoimmune based diseases, like multiple sclerosis.
An important study and research project that is achieving remarkable results, BORGES is an interdi-
sciplinary training project that gives the Phd students involved the opportunity to move and exchange
ideas and methods, that during the pandemic emergency were limited but that continued in virtual
mode while allowing the establishment of interesting and promising collaborations between the re-
search groups involved.
a strada per portare i biosensori Skłodowska (MSCA-ITN-ETN) “BORGES”,
basati sull’elettronica organica coordinato dal prof. Carlo Augusto Bortolotti
dal laboratorio al letto del del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita di
paziente è ancora lunga, Unimore sta muovendo importanti passi in questa
Lma il progetto Marie Curie direzione.