Page 22 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 22
Meccanismi della cooperazione, comparazione
interlinguistica e immagini generate dall’AI: sono
i temi dei progetti finanziati dalla Linea Unimore
Mechanisms of cooperation, interlinguistic comparison and AI-generated images: topics of projects
funded by the Unimore Reggio Line
Three research projects have been financed by the Unimore - Reggio line through the FAR 2024 call for
proposals. Each project focuses on different themes, but all adopt a strong interdisciplinary approach. The
first project, “CO-OPTION”, addresses human cooperation in the sustainable management of public goods,
examining how institutional punishments and corruption affect collaboration. Using an approach that com-
bines behavioural economics, game theory, and artificial intelligence, the project studies complex scenarios
to improve policies and governance models. The results could be applied to areas such as natural resource
management and labour market regulation. The second project, “Modeling crosslinguistic diversity in Dif-
ferential Object Marking”, focuses on linguistic diversity, particularly on Differential Object Marking (DOM),
using the Parametric Comparison Method (PCM) to analyse linguistic variations across different languages.
The goal is to develop a model to explain and predict these variations and contribute to the understanding
of universal linguistic structures. The third project, “AI-generated Images”, explores the impact of images
generated by artificial intelligence from various perspectives, including aesthetic, educational, and socio-
technical. It aims to analyse the value of syntography (hybrid images created by software) and their impact
on culture, public opinion, and authorship. Furthermore, the project intends to develop educational pathways
to raise awareness about reading and producing AI-generated images, exploring the ethical and cultural
implications of emerging technologies. In general, the three projects aim to produce outcomes that influence
theory and practice in various fields, from social sciences to visual education, with the objective of better
understanding complex phenomena such as cooperation, linguistics, and the creation of artificial images.
I euro e due per il Macrosettore ERC Scienze
progetti di ricerca finanziati da
Unimore attraverso il bando FAR -
sociali e umanistiche – SH, ognuno dei quali
Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2024
ha ricevuto un finanziamento di 60mila euro.
per la Linea Unimore – Reggio sono
Il progetto selezionato per il Macrosettore PE si
tre: uno per il Macrosettore ERC di
Scienze fisiche, chimiche e ingegneristiche intitola “CO-OPTION - Human cooperation for the
sustainable management of public goods under
– PE, che ha ricevuto un finanziamento di 80mila institutional punishment and corruption (La coo-