Page 46 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 46
In Unimore è nata la Piattoforma italiana di
Nanomedicina - INP
The Italian Nanomedicine Platform - INP is established at Unimore
The Italian Nanomedicine Platform (INP), established at Unimore and inspired by the European Technol-
ogy Platform for Nanomedicine, aims to integrate and share expertise between universities and centres of
excellence in research. This project, which is developing on a national level, supports advanced research in
nanomedicine, bringing together various disciplines such as pharmacology, chemistry, biotechnology, and
medicine. With a network of 30 laboratories and 200 researchers, the platform focuses on creating innova-
tive products in therapeutic, diagnostic, and preventive sectors. The heart of this initiative is the Pharmacy
programme of the Department of Life Sciences, where doctoral courses and interdisciplinary training are
offered. Short-term projects aim to foster interactions between biology, medicine, and applied nanomedi-
cine, with the goal of achieving high levels of technological development. The platform also seeks to ensure
that scientific knowledge is translated into clinical and industrial applications, addressing the regulatory and
technological aspects essential for the commercialisation of healthcare products.
timolata dalla European Te- nanomedicina. Questo progetto, nato in Unimore e
chnology Platform for che si sviluppa sulla scia di altre iniziative simili in
Nanomedicine, è nata la Spagna, Inghilterra e Francia, rappresenta un’op-
Piattaforma italiana di Na- portunità unica per sostenere la ricerca innovativa
Snomedicina – INP volta a in- e di alta qualità in questo campo emergente.
tegrare e condividere le competenze di università e La Piattaforma Italiana di Nanomedicina si
centri di eccellenza nella ricerca nell’ambito della
configura come uno strumento fondamentale per