Page 36 - focusUnimore_dicembre2022
P. 36
Diritti umani e giustizia minorile: la Garante
regionale dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza
dell’Emilia-Romagna ospite di una tavola
rotonda a Giurisprudenza
Human rights and juvenile justice: the Regional Guarantor for Childhood and Adolescence of Emilia-
Romagna guest speaker at a round table at the Law Department
A round table on Human Rights and Juvenile Justice was held near the “International Day of the Human
Rights of Children” at the Law Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The meeting was
attended by Claudia Giudici, Regional Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence of Emilia-Romagna, Luigi
Fadiga, who first held the same position, at regional level, in the five-year period 2011-2016, and Francesca
Baraghini, Head of the Unaccompanied Foreign Minors Service of the Municipality of Modena. The seminar,
promoted by the CRID (interdepartmental research centre on discrimination and vulnerability) as part of the
Cycle of Dialogues organised by the CRID Laboratory on Discrimination and Vulnerability within the Theory
and Practice f Human Rights course held by Prof. Thomas Casadei, was confirmed as an important moment
of advanced training for students and researchers. The discussion started with the recent publication of Lu-
igi Fadiga’s book, Storie di giustizia minorile (stories of juvenile justice). Reflections and proposals resulting
from Fadiga’s long experience in the field of juvenile justice, first as Judge of the Juvenile Court of Bologna
and, later, as President of the Juvenile Court of Rome as well as, precisely, from 2011 to 2016 as Guaran-
tor for Childhood and Adolescence of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The topics covered are of fundamental
educational importance for children’s problem awareness and legal management.
i è tenuta lo scorso 10 novem- Hanno partecipato all’incontro Claudia Giu-
bre 2022, in prossimità della dici, Garante regionale dell’infanzia e dell’ado-
“Giornata internazionale lescenza dell’Emilia- Romagna, Luigi Fadiga,
dei diritti umani dell’infan- che per primo ha ricoperto il medesimo incarico,
Szia” (20 novembre), presso il a livello regionale, nel quinquennio 2011-2016,
Dip. di Giurisprudenza dell’Univ. di Modena e Reg- e Francesca Baraghini, responsabile Servizio
gio Emilia, la tavola rotonda su Diritti umani e Minori stranieri non accompagnati del Comune di
giustizia minorile. Modena.