Page 40 - focusUnimore_febbraio2025
P. 40

Focus sul benessere del personale dell’emergenza

        urgenza, sui canali di finanziamento alle imprese e
        sulla promozione dei prodotti tipici nell’era digitale:

        ecco i temi dei progetti del Macrosettore SH (Linea


                  Focus on the welfare of emergency personnel, financing channels for companies and the promotion
                  of typical products in the digital age: these are the topics of the SH Macro Sector projects (FOMO
                  The FAR 2024 call has funded three projects in the SH Macro-sector (Social Sciences and Humanities)
                  at Unimore, focusing on the well-being of emergency healthcare personnel, funding channels for busi-
                  nesses, and the promotion of local products in the digital era. The projects, each funded with approximately
                  €55,000, are coordinated by faculty from various Unimore departments. The future of emergency care: The
                  project, coordinated by Prof. Tommaso Fabbri, explores the interaction between territorial and organisational
                  innovation in emergency services and its impact on staff well-being. The aim is to analyse the effective-
                  ness of regional health care reform and to improve working conditions in order to reduce operators’ stress
                  load. GRIDS: Supported by Dr. Luca Gambarelli, this project studies the diversification of financing channels
                  for Italian SMEs, with a focus on digital innovation and sustainability. It analyses how access to alternative
                  sources of financing (such as crowdfunding and minibonds) affects the growth and sustainability of enter-
                  prises, with a focus on the territorial impact in Emilia-Romagna. TermPTEmRo: Coordinated by Prof. Chiara
                  Preite, the project aims at the creation of a multilingual digital termbase to promote typical Emilia-Romagna
                  products. The termbase, based on digital languages, is structured to offer detailed information on D.O.P.,
                  D.O.C.G., I.G.T., and I.G.P. products, with the aim of enhancing the regional wine and food culture at an in-
                  ternational level and supporting the development of an aware tourism. These projects emphasise innovation,
                  occupational well-being and cultural promotion in the digital age, aiming at a positive impact on the region
                  and local businesses.

                  I                                            dei quali ha ricevuto un finanziamento di circa

                        progetti di ricerca finanziati da
                                                               55mila euro.
                        Unimore attraverso il bando FAR -
                        Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca 2024
                                                                 Due dei progetti sono coordinati da docenti del
                        - Linea FOMO (Fondazione di Mode-
                        na) per il Macrosettore ERC Scienze
                                                               ture of emergency care: the interplay between ter-
                sociali e umanistiche – SH sono tre, ognuno    Dipartimento di Economia “Marco Biagi”: “The fu-
                                                               ritorial and organizational innovation and its effect

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