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Scuola di dottorato in Scienze Umanistiche
PhD School in Humanities
The PhD in Humanities trains qualified researchers in the areas of linguistic analysis, narrative theory,
modern and contemporary history and philosophy, pedagogy and didactics, education and intercultural com-
munication. Four curricula are offered by the school: linguistic-literary studies, historical-philosophical and
social studies, theories and methods of intercultural education, digital humanities and digital communication.
It involves in particular professors from two departments, Linguistic and Cultural Studies and Education and
Humanities, professors from other Unimore departments and 15 experts from universities in various foreign
countries such as: United States, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, China.
The didactic activity of the PhD programme focuses on research skills, communication skills, IT and statisti-
cal resources for humanistic research, research methodology in the humanities and social sciences through
a cycle of seminars and conferences and the Summer school on Digital Humanties and Digital Communica-
tion with the participation of international lecturers. PhD graduates will be able to find professional outlets
as scholars of learning processes, the development and management of projects or programmes relating
to linguistic and cultural translation/mediation, the creation of tools for language services, activities more
specifically linked to cooperation, scientific journalism, the educational sphere in the perspective of lifelong
learning, research into social, historical and philosophical problems, and the creation of professionals work-
ing in the cultural heritage sector.
l Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Umani- turale, digital humanities e comunicazione digitale.
stiche forma ricercatori qualificati nelle Studi linguistico-letterari:
aree della analisi linguis tica, della teoria
della narrazione, della storia e della filo- Il curriculum di studi linguistico-letterari pro-
Isofia moderna e contemporanea, della muove un’alta formazione alla ricerca su aspetti
pedagogia e della didattica, dell’educazione e del- (inter)linguistici e (inter)culturali correlati a diversi
la comunicazione interculturale. ambiti disciplinari. Le aree linguistico-culturali di
specializzazione del corso sono: francese, inglese,
Sono 4 i curricula proposti dalla scuola:
italiano, spagnolo, tedesco. In prospettiva di studi
Studi linguistico-letterari,studi storico-filosofici linguistici, ci si rivolge in particolare agli aspetti
e sociali, teorie e metodi dell’educazione intercul- della comunicazione specialistica (accademica e