Page 16 - focusUnimore_febbraio2024
P. 16

L’avvocata Elena Bigotti è la Consigliera di Fiducia

        dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

                  Lawyer Elena Bigotti is the Trust Advisor of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

                  Since 18 December 2023 lawyer Elena Bigotti is the Trust Advisor of Unimore. She is an expert in gender-
                  based violence in the field of civil and family law, anti-discrimination law and civil contracts. She advises on
                  acts of discrimination, sexual harassment, psychological harassment and moral harassment, within the Uni-
                  versity of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It is a reference figure, operating exclusively within the institution, for
                  the intake of cases concerning the compression of individual or collective rights, if affected by harassing or
                  discriminatory conduct, or connected to the theme of work discomfort, unhappiness at work or, on a broader
                  scale, psychophysical distress in the workplace. In the university context, the Trust Adviser has to manage
                  the interaction of three groups of subjects, very different in terms of characteristics, needs and problems:
                  student community, technical-administrative staff and teaching staff. The role of the Trust Adviser is a very
                  useful tool in a context that has acquired the awareness and the effective will to unhinge discriminatory,
                  harassing or harmful dynamics to the organisational well-being and psychophysical integrity of the university
                  community. In the nature of Unimore, which aims increasingly at the organisational well-being of its com-
                  munity, the CUG - Comitato Unico di Garanzia is creating moments of study on the behaviour code and the
                  figure of the counsellor for staff, lecturers and the student community.

                                  al 18 dicembre 2023 anche    stie morali, all’interno dell’Università degli Studi di
                                  Unimore ha una Consiglie-    Modena e Reggio Emilia.
                                  ra di Fiducia: l’avvocata      Questa figura contribuisce alla soluzione del
                                  Elena Bigotti, esperta in    caso, suggerisce i provvedimenti più idonei ad af-

                  Dviolenza di genere nell’ambi-               frontare la situazione e fornisce indicazioni sulle
                to del diritto civile e di famiglia, di diritto antidiscri-  procedure informali e formali previste dal Codice
                minatorio e di contrattualistica civile.
                                                               e sulla normativa vigente. “Si tratta di un soggetto
                  La Consigliera di Fiducia ha la funzione di forni-  che professionalmente  – spiega l’avvocata Ele-
                re consulenza riguardo ad atti di discriminazione,   na Bigotti – deve avere contezza dei concetti di
                molestie sessuali, vessazioni psicologiche e mole-  discriminazione diretta e indiretta, molestia, mob-

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